Home Read Classic Album Review: Osker | Treatment 5

Classic Album Review: Osker | Treatment 5

This came out in 2000 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Angst, idealism, self-loathing, confusion, hatred and raging hormones — if there’s any music that mirrors teenage life better than old-school punk rock, I don’t know what it is.

Nor can we conceive of a more perfect punk rocker than 18-year-old Devon Williams, the leader of L.A.’s Osker. Their debut disc is your basic blast of bratty sonic snot, with Devon bitching about the world and whining “Why does my life suck?” like a frustrated Billie Joe Armstrong over a bed of thrashing guitars, three-chord tunes and one-two drums straight offa old Green Day and Rancid singles. Sure, someday Williams will probably cringe at these songs like you or I looking at our yearbook pics. But right now, Treatment 5 is a crystal-clear snapshot of his teenage wasteland.