This came out in 2000 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
If you dig Moby, thank Moebius.
Back in the ’60s, as a member of influential avant-rock trio Kluster, he helped found the so-called Krautrock sound, which begat Kraftwerk, which basically begat electronic music as we know it. But while Dieter has kept a comparatively low profile over the years, he’s never stopped working — Blotch is his 32nd album in his three-decade recording career. And it’s another miracle of German engineering — nearly an hour of ice-cool assembly-line grooves and cruise-controlled Autobahn beatboxes, punctuated by the occasional clattering effect, grunting synthesizer and gliding strings. There are no funky samples, no jarring scratches, no raps — just musical minimalism whose beauty lies partly in its efficiency and restrained precision. Blotch is certainly no blemish on Moebius’s spotless record.