This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
When they released their debut CD At Ease last year, I called The Gadjits the Hanson of ska-punk
And no wonder: There are three brothers. One is named Zach. They’re from Middle America. They each have a song with the word Bop in the title. The big difference, weI to recall saying, was that The Gadjits were cool. And still are: These Kansans are still hitting their stride on their latest release. Their sophomore CD finds the kids growing as musicians and maturing as writers, adding shades of Elvis Costello, Teen Angel balladry, blues and frat rock to their hyped-up blue-beat. Sure, their focus seldom goes beyond teen love gone bad and the joys (and consequences) of partying, but hey, cut ’em some slack.