Home Read Classic Album Review: Christina Aguilera | Just Be Free

Classic Album Review: Christina Aguilera | Just Be Free

If you give points for schadenfreude, this cheesy cash-in release gets full marks.

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


It’s hard to say what’s more wickedly enjoyable about this:

1 | Listening to a young, inexperienced Christina Aguilera warbling inexpertly on this set of cheesy, unfinished techno-disco demos (You can hear her ask, “Something like that?” on one take) cut years ago with two strugging songwriters;
2 | Imagining her pitching a nuclear-powered diva fit when she found out all her high-priced lawyers couldn’t block the release of this blatant cash-in crapfest;
3 | Reading the barely concealed contempt in the disclaimer-style liner notes (“I did not intend that the recordings would be widely released, especially after I signed with a major record label”) that her legal eagles obviously forced the producers to include. If you give points for schadenfreude, this gets full marks. By any other scale, though, it deserves none.